Finally an affordable and simple way to have your business filings professionally reviewed, prepared and submitted to the Florida Department of State (Sunbiz) and the IRS. |
Our fast and easy to understand online system will provide you with the support you need to start and maintain a business in the state of Florida. Use the menu above to choose the type of business you would like to start or amend and follow the easy instructions. The process will only take a few minutes. |
The "fictitious name" link can be used to register a DBA for a sole propertorship or partnership, the "corporation" link can be used to incorporate a for-profit C or S corporation, the "non profit" link can be used to incorporate a non-for-profit corporation, foundation or charitable organization, and the "limited liability co." link can be used to form an LLC. Additional services such as certification, address change, annual reports and amendments can also be found on the following pages. |
Florida Business Name Search |
retrieve a business record or look for a potential name conflict |
source: Florida Department of State (Sunbiz) |
Use the search engine above to retrieve your business information, or when starting a new business, to check for potential name conflicts before applying. |